
Benign prostate enlargement can cause bothersome urinary symptoms. These may respond to drug treatments but surgical options can give better, long-lasting improvements.

Now there are more treatments available it’s important to find the treatment that suits you. Whether it’s TURP/TURIS or laser or UroLift we have years of experience in treating urinary symptoms due to benign prostate enlargement.

UroLift Procedure

This is a new procedure which avoids cutting through the prostate at all and hence there is no risk of bleeding.   More importantly there is no risk of sexual dysfunction and no problems with ejaculation with this procedure.   As it is a small procedure this is typically done as a day case and does not require a catheter.

A small implant is placed in the prostate to pull the prostate open and improve the passing of urine. As this is a new procedure we do not know the long-term results although trial data has now been published showing very good results at two years following surgery.

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Phone: 01622 538173
Address: Michelham Unit, Eastbourne District General Hospital, Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD